Fromsa Jemal, a 10 yr. old happy boy, was brought in by Sister Maria from the Sisters of Charity. This lad has had swelling of his right leg since birth, and consequently, his right leg has grown out of proportion to his left leg and the rest of his body. His mother has neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen’s disease; genetic transmission) as well as leprosy as seen in her hands. It was concluded that Fromsa’s case is giantism associated with neurofibromatoses. John Tanksley, a visiting orthopaedist from Missouri did an epiphysiodisis on the knee (tibia and femur) to stop growth so his left leg could catch up in his remaining growing years. Vascular surgeons Kjell Manga Kiplinsund from Norway and Jan Koning from Delft, Netherlands, did a partial debulking.
The literature gives mixed reviews of this procedure and he may ultimately end up with an amputation. It is rather sad not only for the child but the mother, who most likely was hoping that he could support her in her old age as they are dirt poor. (See slideshow in sidebar.)
-- Don
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